
Lucid Group is officially a member of the United Nations Global Compact

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The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative that invites companies to align their culture, strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and take actions that advance societal goals.

The attached letter (link to supplied file UN_Compact_Letter.pdf): from Sanda Ojiambo (Executive Director United Nations Global Compact) to our CEO Dennis O’Brien, formally confirms our membership.

Thank you to our Office Experience and Sustainability Manager, Bryony Evans for all her efforts in getting us signed up!

Next steps are for us to take these commitments and embed them into everything we do at Lucid. We will be sharing our progress through an annual report to the UN that will highlight how we are working to advance world sustainability so lots more to come.

#UNCompact #Sustainability #lucidlife